OFF-THE-SHELF and CUSTOMIZED Odor Control Solutions
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Simple Solutions has solved odor problems in a number of environments that range from single-family homes to trailer parks, lift stations, land fills and other unique locations where odor problems can occur. Below are case studies that detail two of our consultations for the elimination of pesky odors.

New Home with Puraflow septic system and odor complaint​

After installation of a Puraflow septic system the customer complained of odors in his yard. The contractor installed residential vent odor filters on the tank vent on the roof vents. The residential odor filters improved but did not eliminate the problem. The contractor reviewed the problem with Simple Solutions and determined that the problem was due to the airflow from the tank vent exceeding the airflow normally seen in a typical installation. The home is built into the top of a hill and the holding tank is located at the bottom of the hill. The discharge pipe is approximately 75 feet long and drops approximately 15 feet. Read more...

Industrial Odor Control Helps Solve The Mighty Squirrel Brewery's Kettle Odor Control Solution

The Mighty Squirrel Brewery in Waltham, Massachusetts is in a strip mall. The landlord has asked them to control the odors that come from brewing beer, specifically, the odors coming from the kettle vents when the wort is boiling and the whirlpool vent when it is in operation. The landlords’ biggest complaint is the smell of rotting vegetables. The odors are noticeable up to ¼ mile away. Read More...