Odor Control Products by Industry
Simple Solutions Distributing offers activated carbon odor solutions for a variety of industries. These include:
Landfill Odor Control Solutions - Landfill odor can be a tremendous problem for homeowners who live nearby. Our air scrubbers can be used on gas collection systems or on mobile gas containment systems.
Marine, Boat and RV Odor Control Colutions - These three industries utilize Industrial Odor Control's odor control solutions to keep transfer station odor at bay, keep multi-million dollar yachts from smelling like floating porta potties, and keep RV Parks from becoming foul-smelling parking lots.
Trailor Park and Campground Odor Control Solutions - Nobody wants to stay at a campground that smells like sewage. Industrial Odor Control has odor control solutions for RVs, transfer stations, and cabins.
Wastewater - Septic and Sewer Odor Control Solutions - Industrial Odor Control has been in the wastewater odor control market for more than 18 years. Odor control solutions are available for lift stations, pump stations, and anywhere in the waste process that has an odor control problem.
Cannabis Cultivation - The regulated cannabis business is a burgeoning new industry. Unfortunately the use of the word regulated is not to be taken lightly. Many municipalies that have given licenses to grow operations have also conditioned many of their approvals on having an odor abatement solution in place to protect not only surrounding communities but also their own employees.
Restaurant Odor Control Solutions - Restaurants come with their own unique set of odor problems. This includes odor from grease traps as well as odors from other existing infrastructure around the restaurant. This could include a manhole that is emitting noxious hydrogen sulfide gases that can overwhelm outdoor dining and/or be pulled inside via air handlers for your HVAC system.