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Residential Odor Control

Simple Solutions offers a range of filters for residential odor control. All of our septic vent filters come with one or more pounds of activated carbon. Our heavy-duty, inline and linear roof filter hold 2 pounds, that's more than two times the carbon of any septic vent filter on the market. But more importantly is the carbon we use, our filters feature Norit Darco's H2S Sulfursorb Plus, a carbon designed specifically for high humidity environments and high capacity. You can read more about our carbon here.

You can read more about the septic odor problem you are having by reading our article - About That Septic Odor Problem. This article explains why the problem you are experiencing is not uncommon and does not necessarily mean that there is a true "problem" with your septic system.

If you aren't sure which filter you need, please see the chart at the bottom of the page for a few differentiating factors about our residential solutions or watch the brief video below.

We offer four residential options for home-owners to select from. Here is a brief explanation of which model might be right for you. Each of these filters holds the same amount and type of carbon and functions the same way.

The Wolverine Cub Refillable Septic Vent Odor Filter

The Economical Wolverine Cub Refillable Septic Vent Odor Filter

  • 1 LB Norit Darco H2S Sulfursorb Plus Activated Carbon
  • Sturdy Housing Built of Schedule 30 PVC
  • Removable Cap for Replacing Carbon
  • No tools required for installation

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The Heavy-Duty Wolverine Septic Vent Filter

Heavy Duty Septic Odor Vent Filter

Now with built-in end-of-service-life indicator

  • 2 LBS Norit Darco H2S Sulfursorb Plus Activated Carbon
  • Heavy-duty schedule 40 pvc
  • Built-In End-of-Service-Life Indicator
  • 2" screw-in fill port on top of unit
  • Recommended for colder environments
  • Recommended for locations where filter might be subject to being bumped or hit
  • Available in white, black or green.
  • Cross-flow design wicks away moisture
  • No tools required for installation

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The Wolverine Inline Septic Vent Filter

Inline Septic Odor Vent Filter

Now with built-in end-of-service-life indicator

  • 2 LBS Norit Darco H2S Sulfursorb Plus Activated Carbon
  • Heavy-duty schedule 40 pvc
  • Built-In End-of-Service-Life Indicator
  • 2" screw-in fill port on top of unit
  • Installs in attic (requires 17" clearance)
  • Can be wrapped with insulation in cold climates
  • Optional installation kit available
  • Roof-line profile free of visible filter

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From $140.00


The Linear Roof Septic Vent Odor Filter

Linear Septic Odor Vent Filter

Now with built-in end-of-service-life indicator

  • 2 LBS Norit Darco H2S Sulfursorb Plus Activated Carbon
  • Heavy-duty schedule 40 pvc
  • Built-In End-of-Service-Life Indicator
  • 2" screw-in fill port on side of unit
  • Includes rain cap on 4" model
  • Recommended for colder environments
  • More stream-lined profile
  • No tools required for installation

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From $99.95


Installs with No Tools
Built In Saturation Indicator
The Wolverine Cub - WC


The Wolverine Cub is a light-weight Schedule 30 PVC filter for residential applications like removing odor from plumbing and septic vents on a roof or in a yard.
The Heavy-Duty - HD 3" & Heavy-Duty - HD 4"
The HD3 & HD4 housing is constructed of Schedule 40 PVC and is suitable for residential or small commercial building applications, anywhere a stronger filter housing is required.
The Linear Roof Filter - LRF 2.5
The LRF 2.5 is constructed of Schedule 40 PVC and is a perfect solution for the end of a candy cane filter or to give a more linear look to a traditional vent pipe. A rain cap can be purchased from us or purchased at any local hardware store.
The Inline Wolverine - WVI-4


Requires cutting a segment of PVC pipe out of the vent pipe and installing the filter with Fernco couplings.

The WVI-4 is an inline filter constructed of Schedule 40 PVC. This is an excellent solution for cold-climate locations. This installs inline in the attic or inside a wall. It is recommended that this filter be professionally installed as a section of vent pipe will need to be removed to accommodate it.

Eliminate residential septic odors

There’s nothing more irritating and embarrassing than having septic odors wafting over your patio or deck when you’re trying to eat outside or worse, entertain company. Sewer smells can ruin an al fresco meal, make your yard unusable, and make neighbors think you’re not maintaining your septic system properly. 

These bad smells can even make their way indoors when your windows and doors are open. Sewer odors can be exacerbated by weather, the wind direction, and where the home is situated in relation to hills, trees and other topographical elements.

Septic odors outside your home don’t necessarily mean there is a serious problem with the septic system. But sewer odors around the house are undesirable nonetheless. We have solutions for that for properties anywhere in the United States. 

Whether you’re a homeowner, landlord, contractor, or plumber, you’ll want to learn more about our range of septic charcoal septic vent filters for odor removal. These passive odor control methods are a simple way to eliminate septic odors outside the home using activated carbon. 

Residential odor control options

At Industrial Odor Control, we offer four basic types of residential odor removal devices. These house septic air vent filters all function using the same principle: employing a filter in a yard-based sewer vent pipe or roof vent pipe to stop septic odors from escaping, while still allowing the air vent to function as a needed release for gas. Click on each model below to learn more about its specifics. 

The Economical Wolverine Cub Refillable Septic Vent Odor Filter

This sturdy and cost-efficient model is one of our most popular home septic air vent filters. It uses 1 lb Norit Darco H2S Sulfursorb Plus Activated Carbon. The cap can be removed easily when it’s time to replace the carbon. And best of all, it requires no tools for installation. 

Heavy-Duty Septic Odor Vent Filter

Drawing on 2 lbs of Norit Darco H2S Sulfursorb Plus Activated Carbon to do the job, this septic odor neutralizer and light industrial use is another top seller. It’s constructed with heavy-duty schedule 40 PVC and is fantastic for colder environments and spots where it might take a bit more wear and tear. 

Available in three colors, this model utilizes a cross-flow design to wick away moisture. Install this easily with no tools and you’ll get instant odor control. A built-in end-of-service-life indicator warns you when it’s time to replace the odor-absorbing medium. 

Inline Septic Odor Vent Filter

Do you live in a colder climate? Our inline septic filter can be placed “in-line” in an attic or crawl space. This heavy-duty schedule 40 PVC model uses 2 lbs of Norit Darco H2S Sulfursorb Plus Activated Carbon for residential sewer odor removal and light industrial odor removal.  

This vent filter requires cutting a segment of PVC pipe out of the vent pipe. It is then attached with Fernco couplings. We recommend a professional assist you with this. It’s perfect for inline application in a wall or attic. 

A built-in end-of-service-life indicator lets you know when to replace the activated carbon before odors become noticeable. 

Linear Septic Odor Vent Filter

This model comes in three colors and five sizes: 1-½, 2, 3, 4 and 6 inches. The 1-½, 2, 3 and 4-inch versions come with a rain cap as well. Like our other heavy-duty schedule 40 PVC models, this one also uses 2 lbs of Norit Darco H2S Sulfursorb Plus Activated Carbon. It’s one of our most popular home septic air vent filters

Home odor control made easy

Eliminating sewer odors outside the home doesn’t have to be a difficult or costly process. Not sure which of our septic air vent filters are right for your property? We’re happy to assist. Give us a ring at 973-846-7817, or use our easy contact form to get in touch.