Spectrum XB17 - Blend of HS-600 & Activated Carbon - 60 LB Bag

Spectrum XB17 - Blend of HS-600 & Activated Carbon - 60 LB Bag

Code: GC-Spectrum-XB17-60lb

Price: $240.00

Product Details

Through adsorption and oxidization Spectrum HS-600* will adequately control a large number of airborne contaminants. There are situations however, where a blend of this product's reactive chemistry and the adsorbent properties of activated carbon are advised. A common example is where hydrocarbons are present along with acid gases. In this environment, the higher molecular weight hydrocarbons may cause desorption of the lower molecular weight acid gases and thus limit HS-600's effectiveness. In this case Spectrum XB-17 may be an appropriate solution.

Data Sheet

Price: $240.00